At Riverbend Family Dental in St. Paul, MN emergency dental exams are a service we are happy to provide. Dental emergencies can’t be predicted. You can’t be expected to book an emergency dental exam six weeks into the future, nor can you be expected to wait weeks for an emergency dental exam. That’s why we have the capability to make room for your dental emergency in our calendar. Just call and explain your situation and we’ll make your dental emergency our priority.
What is a Dental Emergency?
In general, a dental emergency is a situation where a permanent tooth is in imminent danger, a life-threatening situation, or when excruciating dental pain cannot be relieved with over-the-counter medications. In practicality, lots of things may qualify as a dental emergency, including:
Tooth Completely or Almost Knocked Out
Teeth can get knocked out for a variety of reasons, such as vehicular accidents, sports accidents, physical altercation,s and even just weird accidents. If you or your child have this situation, it’s imperative that you see your dentist for an emergency dental exam in St. Paul, MN right away. The survival of the permanent tooth may depend on quick action.
Severe Toothache
Toothaches can be strange. Sometimes they come on very slowly, over the course of a few days or even weeks. Other times, they come on suddenly and severely, waking you up with severe pain in the middle of your workday or in the middle of the night. No matter when severe toothaches strike, the pain can be unbearable. Sometimes a simple ice pack, heating pad or anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen can relieve pain until you can get to the dentist. Other times nothing relieves the pain. When that happens, don’t hesitate to get help at Riverbend Family Dental. We’ll get you in for an emergency exam right away and start treatment on the damaged tooth.
Emergency dental exams are just one of the services we offer. Contact us today to book your appointment whenever you need us.